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Faith, Mind & Body



Your body is your “Temple” that you dwell in, so take care of it.  Exercise your body.  Not just to have a great physique, but for your long term health.

  • Aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day.  It supports:

    • Longevity - to live long & healthy 

    • Stress management & positive mental attitude

    • Increase energy & better stabilize mood.

    • Promotes adequate rest & relaxation.


Exercising your mind increases brain function, focus, and creativity. Exercise your mind by:

  • Praying often & meditating on the word of GOD for wisdom and understanding

  • Reading daily - at least 30 minutes a day

  • Learning something new every day

  • Engaging in self-development, positive affirmations, and mind-enhancing activities.

  • Challenge yourself




Empowerment Through Health 


  1. Do you really know your family?

  • importance of knowing your family medical history and how it may save your life


  2.  Preventive Medicine

  • looking beyond that person in the mirror

  • benefits of an annual physical


  3.  Brief overview of:

  • Hypertension

  • Diabetes 

  • Obesity

  • Substance Abuse


  4.  Sexually Transmitted Infections


  • What it really means to be on PrEP

  • Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Syphilis, Herpes I and II


  5.  Open dialogue with NexGen

Medicine & Physical Health


Educational Empowerment: Creative Thought and Decisive Action.

“Teach a man how to read and he will forever be free.” 

- Frederick Douglas

  1. How to attain knowledge & scholarship to maximize one's pure potential

  2. What is educational enlightenment?

  3. How to use an individualized and conceptual approach when educating our young men of African descent

  4. The importance of early childhood education to increase lifelong learning which leads to better careers, wealth, and economic stability

  5. How do we motivate our young men to become avid readers and systemic observers from a participatory perspective?

  6. The importance of having African American teachers and affiliated mentors in our classrooms and community training sessions.

  7. How do we prevent our youth of African descent from being tested and placed into special education programs that keep them out of mainstream curricula?

  8. What strategies need to be employed to move from school failure to school success through the process of creative thinking and action.


Leadership Empowerment: A Systemic Perspective

  1. How does history play a role in the development of our young men of African descent from a visionary and futuristic perspective?

  2. How does culture play a role in the development of our young men of African decent

  3. What is a positive approach for enhancing racial identity?

  4. What are our achievement gaps and what are the causes of these gaps

  5. Identification of positive role models and encouraging  them to play an integral role in the development of our young men of African descent 

  6. Identification of conceptual frameworks of excellence in regards to developing a new generation of youth leaders and practitioners as pathfinders for futuristic initiatives.

Education & Leadership Empowerent


Street Law & The Criminal Justice System


  • What are your rights as a citizen of United States?

  • What are the Amendments that should protect you if stopped by a police or law enforcement officer?

  • What are the prosecution policies?

  • What are the sentencing policies?

  • What percentage of young men of African descent 12-26 years old end up in the criminal justice system - in jail or prison, on probation or parole


The Rise and Impact of the Growth of the Criminal Justice System on Young Men of African Descent:

  • How to end the war against violent crimes and drug offenses

  • The impact of arrest and sentencing policies

  • Disparities in incarceration and social exclusion

  • Reducing disparity and extinguishing incarceration in the criminal justice system

Legal & Criminal Justice



How Do We Define Mental Health & Trauma


The Four Pillars of Mental Health:

  • Emotional - self-acceptance, self-esteem, resilience, and the ability to manage strong emotional issues including trauma

  • Social - what gives us physically and emotionally healthier relationships which leads to a better quality of life

  • Financial - taking full control of your finance; developing and maintaining a plan to achieve your financial and life goals

  • Physical - how to balance your mental and physical health by staying centered


Let’s Talk About It!

  • How to make it safe for others to speak about mental health

  • How to deal with the stereotypes when speaking about mental health

  • How do we change the culture of mental health using new and innovative strategies

Mental Healh & Trauma
Financial Literacy



Take Control Of Your Money 

  • What is money and how it works

  • The benefits and value of saving vs spending

  • Create a budget and manage your personal finance

  • Living below your means

  • Seek investment opportunities now

  • Master the Rule of 72

  • Have a rich vs poor mindset

  • The rules of money

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